Calling on Faith Outdoors is a ministry of Access Point Church.
Our mission is to
“Bring Christ and the Great Outdoors Together.”
Our goal, in doing so, is to introduce kids into the great outdoors and allow them to have the opportunity to hunt and fish with a group of Christian men who love Jesus Christ and all that the outdoors have to offer. Because of the ministry of COF, we are able to take kids hunting and fishing who otherwise would not be able to enjoy these great sports. Whether their parents are uninterested in these sports or possibly their parents aren’t involved in their lives at all, we are able to partner with these kids and families and enjoy our hobbies, while at the same time being able to stand as good Christian examples for these young kids, and use our love for the outdoors to tell them about Jesus.
We strive to be a ministry whose first and foremost focus in on Jesus Christ, then because of our love for Him, and our joy for the outdoors we are able to use hunting and fishing as a medium in which we introduce kids to the love of Jesus Christ as well as the sport and beauty of hunting and fishing.